Tuina Massage
What is Tuina?
Tuina is translated as Tui ‘Push’ and Na ‘Grasp’.
Tuina is one of the four main branches of traditional Chinese medicine, along with acupuncture, qigong, and Chinese herbal medicine. Tuina is believed to be the oldest system of bodywork in history. Over the last two centuries, Tuina has taken over the role of Physiotherapy, Osteopathy and Chiropractic in China. As of 2010, Tuina is now recognised in China as a distinct medical system in its own right.
Tuina Chinese Medical Massage is over a 4000-year-old traditional massage system in China. There are many different styles, some are deep and vigorous, and some are gentle and subtle, rooted in the same principles as Acupuncture, Yin Yang and 5 Elements theory using the meridian systems throughout the body.
Tuina targets specific acupuncture points and meridians based on the diagnosis and underlying issue. Practitioners use hands, forearms and fingers to apply pressure, vibration or movement to stimulate the Qi, fascia and meridians. Tuina massage could be used in combination with acupuncture or as a single modality on its own.
What does Tuina help with?
Tuina is primarily used to ‘treat’ specific problems rather than just for relaxation, it’s aimed at the root cause as well as your main symptoms. Tuina uses a very complex manipulation system with distinctive hand techniques, osteopathic joint movements, chiropractic corrections, stretches and deep tissue strokes.
Conditions usually treated at the Acuculture clinic include sports injuries, work-physical and mental stress, postural misalignment, pain, joint dysfunction, frozen shoulder, sprains, neck and back pain, migraines and much more. Tuina is also successful in treating many types of internal ailments including digestive, immune, respiratory, reproductive and circulatory disorders.