The science of acupuncture
There is a growing body of scientific research evidence showing the effectiveness of acupuncture, and in many cases more effective than standard medical treatments. Acupuncture is by far the most researched of all alternative or conjunctive health practices. See below for various articles and pieces of research on a variety of conditions treated with acupuncture.
What does science has to say about acupuncture?
The Cochrane research group is highly regarded in scientific research. It synthesises medical research findings to facilitate evidence-based choices about health interventions involving health professionals, patients and policymakers. A Cochrane Review is a systematic review that attempts to identify, appraise and synthesize all the empirical evidence that meets pre-specified eligibility criteria to answer a specific research question. They collect and analyse unbiased, high-quality studies and research from multiple sources. They have a large body of acupuncture research, Find out more on their website
British Acupuncture Council
British Acupuncture Council research fact sheets
NHS on acupuncture
World Health Organisation
World Health Organisation on acupuncture
Evidence Based Acupuncture
Fully referenced literature reviews of the most up-to-date evidence for acupuncture
York University
York University – acupuncture for depression
Cancer Research
Cancer Research UK on acupuncture
The Independent – ‘Best way to treat back pain is with acupuncture’
The Guardian – ‘Acupuncture relieves back and pelvic pain during pregnancy
British Medical Journal (BMJ) – ‘Acupuncture for low back and/or pelvic pain during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials