What is traditional Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a tried and tested system of traditional medicine, which has been used in China and other Eastern cultures for thousands of years to restore, promote and maintain good health. Its benefits are now widely acknowledged all over the world, and in the past decade, traditional acupuncture has begun to feature more prominently in mainstream healthcare in the West. Traditional acupuncture takes a holistic approach to health and regards illness as a sign that the body is out of balance. It views the body as an integrated whole. By asking questions and using pulse and tongue diagnosis, the acupuncturist can identify which systems are weak, blocked and over-active. The acupuncturist then chooses appropriate acupuncture points to treat the symptoms and the root cause simultaneously. By doing this, the person can be brought back into balance, restoring health and well-being. It also increases the resilience to future problems. Acupuncture works to maintain our body's equilibrium, which can become blocked for several reasons; e.g. our lifestyle, trauma, diet, emotional upset, injury etc. Acupuncture is one of the main pillars of traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Chinese herbal medicine, massage (Tuina), exercise (Qigong) and dietary therapy aiming to restore balance and promote physical and emotional harmony.
How does Acupuncture work?
From a traditional medical viewpoint acupuncture works by stimulating the meridians of the body. An acupuncturist is able to adjust the strength of each meridian using different acupuncture points. The Acupuncturist uses points on the lower arms and legs to affect organs and entire physical systems (cardiovascular, hormonal, digestive etc.). A needle inserted into a particular point on the feet can affect the Liver function, and one in the wrist can affect the Lungs. It is possible that acupuncture uses the network of neural pathways to change the way the body functions. Acupuncture helps by optimising the bioelectrical functions of our cells and nervous system throughout the body. Ultimately Acupuncture brings a homeostasis state of balance to the system which has been approved and evolved over thousands of years. Traditionally, acupuncture is used to treat illness, and more importantly, enhance health and well-being. For nearly every named "Western" illness, there is a Chinese Medicine interpretation of that illness, specific to each individual. With acupuncture, you are truly treated holistically as a whole person, not as someone having a single illness.
Is Acupuncture for me?
Acupuncture can be used to treat specific medical issues or as a way of merely ‘tuning’ your body and maintaining a well-balanced flow of energy for better health. In a simpler term think of tuning a musical instrument; acupuncture tunes our body's vital function which is known as 'Qi' or to the modern mind 'life force'. Acupuncture is a great preventative system of medicine which helps with a stronger immune system and a more robust state of mind. Acupuncture is used to help with many illnesses it also makes the person feel better and more like themselves. whether you have any specific condition where you'd like to improve or simply want to live a better life, Acupuncture could help you to achieve your goals.
What is the Five Elements style?
The Foundation of Five Elements Acupuncture were laid over 3,000 years ago. The key principle of Five-Element Acupuncture is that humans are a part of nature and so, the laws that govern nature also apply to us. Just as different elements make up the natural world, we too are made up of these elements (Wood, fire, earth, metal and water) - hence the name “Five-Element Acupuncture”. When one element is out of balance it throws everything out of balance. It is the job of the practitioner to identify which element is out of balance and then treat that element. This allows the practitioner to get to the root of the problem, rather than merely managing the symptoms. Treating the out-of-balance element brings about harmony within us, which allows us to feel healthier, happier, and more ourselves. For more information visit BAcC here.
What the research says about Acupuncture?
There is a huge body of scientific research asserting the use and efficiency of acupuncture for a wide variety of complaints; from pain management to psycho-emotional issues. NHS has a dedicated page outlining the basic use of acupuncture. It supports the effectiveness of regular acupuncture treatments. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends acupuncture for chronic pain headaches and migraines. The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) has outlined detailed research on a wide range of illnesses that could be treated with acupuncture.
For more in-depth information on the science of acupuncture and the most up-to-date research please visit the Science of acupuncture on our website.
What issues and illnesses could benefit from Acupuncture?
Acupuncture could help with a wide range of medical issues as well as psycho-emotional imbalances. Our focus, however, will always be on prevention, as we believe it’s the best cure.
Emotional Health & Trauma
Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, PTSD, Low Mood, Trauma
Women's Health
PMS, Menopause, Hormonal Issues, Postnatal Support
Musculoskeletal Issues
Neck Pain, Lower back Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Carpal tunnel Syndrome, Knee pain, Sports Injuries and more
Chronic Conditions
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Migraine & headache, Arthritis & more
Digestive Disorders
IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Indigestion, Heartburn & more
Chronic & Acute Pain Management
How many Acupuncture sessions do I need?
Every person is unique and responds differently to the treatment. The best results with acupuncture are typically achieved with a series of acupuncture visits. Generally, we suggest a course of 6-8 treatments. For this reason, it is often recommended to schedule one acupuncture treatment weekly for the first 4 weeks and then 2-4 treatments every fortnight. From there, a treatment schedule will be determined based on each individual. Having said that it's general advice that may not work for everyone. So we can discuss and determine that on your first visit after the consultation and assessment.
Do you accept incurance?
Yes! Most health insurance companies cover acupuncture. A full list of accepted insurance companies is available on the AAC website. Treatments need to be paid for on the day, and proof of appointment and payment will be provided for you to claim this back from the insurance.
How may I book an Acupuncture session?
If you are ready to book your visit, simply use the online booking system below to book and manage your session.
If you are unsure or need more information please feel free and get in touch with any concerns or questions. We are happy to help you to as best of our abilities.